Monday, November 26, 2012



It's ridiculously hard to even comprehend that I am now a Momma to a 3 year old.

Kai turned 3 a few days ago. Man, that went by fast.

How I love that sweet child.

Here is his 3 year old birthday/love letter:


Little man,

Today, You are three and most often; are completely perplexing me. Still, so much a baby but with every blink of my eyes you become more and more the little boy I always imagined I would have. You are the boy who believes he is Godzilla fifty percent of the day. I love that two of your favorite pastimes are washing your hands and brushing your teeth. You also LOVE to floss, you are awesome. My boy who wants to be just like his Daddy but is still very much a Mama's boy. You live in a world I am no longer a part of, a land of hiding holes and make believe. Just when I think I have you all figured out, you throw me through a loop hole and I'm off, again chasing after you. I follow you around the world and watch your undying curiosity make leaps and bounds. This life is so interesting and I can feel the youth in my soul awaken as I experience childhood once again. Except this time it's through your eyes. Sometimes, when you sleep, I watch you dream and I dream too.

It's hard to imagine that one day you will pack up your things and set out into this great big world. So, I plan on hanging on to every second of your childhood and soaking it all in. My little boy who loves dragons and monsters. Who wants to help me with everything I do. Who likes to jump on my back and be carried down the stairs. Who grabs my cheeks and kisses my nose.

I can't wait to see where 3 takes you.

I'll love you forever,

I'll like you for always.

As long as I'm living,

My baby you'll be.


Xoxoxo Mom


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