Thursday, July 7, 2011

4 Things I enjoyed on the 4th of July

What's better than good food? 
I guess you could say there are a lot of things that are better but lets just agree that good food is somewhere at the top of the 'best things in life' list.
And when good food is pretty, well, it's just that much better.

Good ol' Berry Pie
Fruit Salad of Champions
My pride and joy. These were so easy!

Do you know what you get when you add good food with good friends?
The best kind of day.
Here is Kai and his buddy Jacob.
Watching them together makes my heart melt like butter.

I am the happiest when I spend days filled with the laughter, joy and happiness of these two men.
There is nothing better.

Parking Lot Fireworks
In these bodies we will live,
In these bodies we will die.
Where you invest your LOVE,
You invest your life.
- Mumford and Sons

Amen to that.

You may say I am cliche' for using this but let's get serious for a minute.
This holiday is to celebrate the freedom to BE.
There are thousands of people in places all around the world fighting to protect that freedom.
Whether or not you support the military, it is the truth and it is real.
I never understood the military lifestyle nor did I understand the pride that comes with it but that all changed when that lifestyle I found so hard to relate to and the pride I could never fully understand, became my reality.
The truth is, my husband will probably be deployed in the near future.
The truth is I will have to say goodbye to him and watch him go to war.
The truth is there are families who are doing that right now.
It is not a video game, it is real life.
So while I enjoyed my berry pie and fireworks, I kept the reality of the sacrifices made by countless numbers of families close to my heart.

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